This is a quick guide for web developers where we have listed all the CSS properties defined in the World Wide Web Consortium's Recommended Specification for Cascading Style Sheets, Level 2
We include each property's possible values, defined as either an explicit keyword or as one of these values:
- angle: A numeric value followed by deg, grad or rad.
- color: Either a color name or hexadecimal RGB value, or an RGB triple of the form: rgb(red, green, blue)
- frequency: A numeric value followed by hz or khz, indicating Hertz or kiloHertz
- length: An optional sign (either + or -), immediately followed by a number (with or without a decimal point), immediately followed by a two-character unit identifier like px or pt or em etc.
- number: An optional sign, immediately followed by a number (with or without a decimal point).
- percent An optional sign, immediately followed by a number (with or without a decimal point), immediately followed by a percent sign.
- shape: A shape keyword, followed by a parentheses-enclosed list of comma-separated shape-specific parameters. Currently, the only supported shape keyword is rect, which expects four numeric parameters denoting the offsets of the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the rectangle.
- time: A numeric value followed by s or ms, designating a time in seconds or milliseconds.
- url: The keyword url, immediately followed (no spaces) by a left parenthesis, followed by a URL optionally enclosed in single or double quotes, followed by a matching right parenthesis. For example: url("")
Property | Possible Values | Description |
azimuth |
| Describes the position of a sound source along the horizontal axis of the listener's environment. |
background | Values from composite properties. | Composite property for the following properties:
background-attachment |
| Determines if the background image is fixed in the window or scrolls as the document scrolls |
background-color |
| Sets the background color of an element |
background-image |
| Sets the background image of an element |
background-position |
| Sets the initial position of the element's background image, if specified; values normally are paired to provide x, y positions; default position is 0% 0%. |
background-repeat |
| Determines how the background image is repeated (tiled) across an element |
border | See Description | Sets all four of an element's borders; value is one or more of a color, a value for border-width, and a value for border-style |
border-bottom | See Description | Sets an element's bottom border; value is one or more of a color, a value forborder-bottom-width, and a value forborder-style |
border-bottom-width |
| Sets the thickness of an element's bottom border. |
border-collapse |
| Sets the table border rendering algorithm |
border-color |
| Sets the color of all four of an element's borders; default is the color of the element |
border-left-color |
| Sets the color of an element's left borders; default is the color of the element |
border-right-color |
| Sets the color of an element's right borders; default is the color of the element |
border-top-color |
| Sets the color of an element's top borders; default is the color of the element |
border-bottom-color |
| Sets the color of an element's bottom borders; default is the color of the element |
border-left | See description | Sets an element's left border; value is one or more of a color, a value forborder-left-width, and a value for border-style. |
border-left-width |
| Sets the thickness of an element's left border |
border-right | See description | Sets an element's right border; value is one or more of a color, a value forborder-right-width, and a value forborder-style. |
border-right-width |
| Sets the thickness of an element's right border |
border-spacing | See description | With separate borders set the spacing between borders. One value sets vertical and horizontal spacing and two values sets horizontal and vertical spacing respectively. |
border-style |
| Sets the style of all four of an element's borders |
border-top | See description | Sets an element's top border; value is one or more of a color, a value forborder-top-width, and a value for border-style |
border-top-width |
| Sets the thickness of an element's top border. |
border-width |
| Sets the thickness of all four of an element's borders |
bottom |
| Used with the position property to place the bottom edge of an element |
caption-side |
| Sets the position for a table caption |
clear |
| Sets which margins of an element must not be adjacent to a floating element; the element is moved down until that margin is clear |
clip |
| Sets the clipping mask for an element |
color |
| Sets the color of an element |
content | See description | Inserts generated content around an element. |
counter-increment | See description | Increments a counter by 1; value is a list of counter names, with each name optionally followed by a value by which it is incremented. |
counter-reset | See description | Resets a counter to zero; value is a list of counter names, with each name optionally followed by a value to which it is reset. |
cue-after |
| Plays the designated sound after an element is spoken |
cue-before |
| Plays the designated sound before an element is spoken |
cursor |
| Defines shap of the cursor |
direction |
| Defines direction of the flow of an element content |
display |
| Controls how an element is displayed |
elevation |
| Sets the height at which a sound is played |
empty-cells |
| With separate borders, hides empty cells in a table |
float |
| Determines if an element floats to the left or right, allowing text to wrap around it or be displayed inline |
font | See description | Sets all the font attributes for an element. Value is any of the values for:
font-family | List of font names | Defines the font for an element, either as a specific font or as one of the generic serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, and monospace. |
font-size |
| Defines the font size |
font-size-adjust |
| Adjusts the current font's aspect ratio |
font-stretch |
| Determines the amount to stretch the current font |
font-style |
| Defines the style of the face, either normal or some type of slanted style |
font-variant |
| Defines a font to be in small caps |
font-weight |
| Defines the font weight . if a number is used, it must be a multiple of 100 between 100 and 900; 400 is normal, 700 is the same as the keyword bold |
height |
| Defines the height of an element |
left |
| Used with the position property to place the left edge of an element |
letter-spacing |
| Inserts additional space between text characters |
line-height |
| Sets the distance between adjacent text baselines |
list-style | See description | Defines list-related styles using any of the values for:
list-style-image |
| Defines an image to be used as a list item's marker, in lieu of the value for:
list-style-position |
| Indents or extends (default) a list item's marker with respect to the item's content |
list-style-type |
| Defines a list item's marker either for unordered lists (circle, disc, or square) or for ordered lists (decimal, loweralpha, lower-roman, none, upper-alpha, or upper-roman) |
margin |
| Defines all four of an element's margins |
margin-bottom |
| Defines the bottom margin of an element. Default value is 0. |
margin-left |
| Defines the left margin of an element. Default value is 0. |
margin-right |
| Defines the right margin of an element. Default value is 0. |
margin-top |
| Defines the top margin of an element. Default value is 0. |
marker-offset |
| The marker-offset property can be used in bulleted lists for specifying the distance between the nearest border edges of a marker box (or bullet) and its associated principal box. |
marks |
| The marks property is used to set crop marks and cross marks on paged media. This is used with the @page rule. |
max-height |
| max-height property is used to constrain the height of an element. |
max-width |
| max-width property is used to set the maximum width of an element. |
min-height |
| min-height property is used to constrain the height of an element. |
min-width |
| min-width property is used to constrain the width of an element. |
orphans |
| Sets the minimum number of lines allowed in an orphaned paragraph fragment |
outline | See the description | The outline property is a shorthand property to specify all outline properties. |
outline-color |
| The outline-color property is used to specify the color of the outline. Note that, unlike the border property, outline does not take up extra space and it can be non-rectangular. |
outline-color-style |
| The outline-style property is used to specify the style of the outline. Note that, unlike the border property, outline does not take up extra space and it can be non-rectangular. |
outline-width |
| The outline-color property is used to specify the color of the outline. Note that, unlike the border property, outline does not take up extra space and it can be non-rectangular. |
overflow |
| Determines how overflow content is rendered |
padding | See description | Defines all four padding amounts around an element |
padding-bottom |
| Defines the bottom padding of an element. Default value is 0 |
padding-left |
| Defines the left padding of an element. Default value is 0 |
padding-right |
| Defines the right padding of an element. Default value is 0 |
padding-top |
| Defines the top padding of an element. Default value is 0 |
page |
| Associates a named page layout with an element |
page-break-after |
| Forces or suppresses page breaks after an element. |
page-break-before |
| Forces or suppresses page breaks before an element. |
page-break-inside |
| Suppresses page breaks within an element |
pause |
| The pause property is CSS shorthand for specifying shorthand property for specifying pauses in aural media. |
pause-after |
| Pauses a media after speaking an element |
pause-before |
| Pauses a media before speaking an element |
pitch |
| Sets the average pitch of an element's spoken content |
pitch-range |
| Sets the range of the pitch, from 0 (flat) to 100 (broad); default is 50 |
play-during |
| If a URL is provided, it is played during an element's spoken content . specifyingrepeat loops the audio; mix causes it to mix with, rather than replace, other background audio. |
position |
| Sets the positioning model for an element |
quotes | List of strings | Sets the quote symbols used to quote text |
richness |
| Sets the richness of the voice, from 0 (flat) to 100 (mellifluous); default is 50 |
right |
| Used with the position property to place the right edge of an element. |
size |
| The size property is used in paged media to specify the size of the page. |
speak |
| Determines how an element's content is spoken. |
speak-header |
| Determines if table headers are spoken once for each row or column or each time a cell is spoken. |
speak-numeral |
| Determines how numerals are spoken |
speak-punctuation |
| Determines if punctuation is spoken or used for inflection |
speech-rate |
| Sets the rate of speech; a number sets the rate in words per minute |
stress |
| Sets the stress of the voice, from 0 (catatonic) to 100 (hyperactive); default is 50. |
table-layout |
| Determines the table-rendering algorithm |
text-align |
| Sets the text alignment style for an element |
text-decoration |
| Defines any decoration for the text; values may be combined |
text-indent |
| Defines the indentation of the first line of text in an element; default is 0 |
text-shadow | See description | Creates text drop shadows of varying colors and offsets |
text-transform |
| Transforms the text in the element accordingly |
top |
| Used with the position property to place the top edge of an element. |
vertical-align |
| Sets the vertical positioning of an element |
visibility |
| Determines if an element is visible in the document or table |
voice-family | List of voices | Selects a named voice family to speak an element's content |
volume |
| Sets the volume of spoken content; numeric values range from 0 to 100 |
white-space |
| Defines how whitespace within an element is handled |
widows |
| Sets the minimum number of lines allowed in a widowed paragraph fragment |
width |
| Defines the width of an element |
word-spacing |
| Inserts additional space between words |
z-index |
| Sets the rendering layer for the current element. |
Pseudo-classes & Pseudo-elements:
Property | Description |
:active | Use this class to add special effect to an activated element |
:focus | Use this class to add special effect to an element while the element has focus |
:hover | Use this class to add special effect to an element when you mouse over it |
:link | Use this class to add special effect to an unvisited link |
:visited | Use this class to add special effect to a visited link |
:first-child | Use this class to add special effect to an element that is the first child of some other element. |
:lang | Use this class to specify a language to use in a specified element |
:first-letter | Use this element to add special effect to the first letter of a text |
:first-line | Use this element to add special effect to the first line of a text |
:before | Use this element to insert some content before an element |
:after | Use this element to insert some content after an element |
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